Market Update, Focus: Orleans
The Orleans market shares many of the same characteristics of the overall Barnstable County market. Most notable is the historically low 69 single-family homes on the market. Compared to 2015, 2016 had 16% less homes on the market year over year. By contrast, there were 5% more homes that sold over the same time period. … Continue reading Market Update, Focus: Orleans
January 2017 Real Estate Market Update
The traditionally slow first quarter on the year in the Cape real estate market looks to take a similar pace as years past while reviewing January activity. The small sample size after the first month of 2017 see similar trends to 2016. The main headline continues to be historically low inventory. At the end of … Continue reading January 2017 Real Estate Market Update
Proposed Occupancy Tax Targets Urban Areas, not Cape and Islands
Cape home owners and property managers have been waiting with baited breath as a proposed occupancy tax made it’s way through the state capitol for the past decade. Recent news suggests that the new occupancy tax targets only those properties that have short term rentals for 150 days or more of a calendar year. Most … Continue reading Proposed Occupancy Tax Targets Urban Areas, not Cape and Islands
2016 Construction Review
Construction and renovation activity on the Cape has been strong again in 2016. Compared to 2015 there has been an 8.2% increase in the number of building permits issued in Barnstable County. By contrast, the value of those permits actually decreased by about 7%. The decrease in the value of the permits is due to … Continue reading 2016 Construction Review
2016 Cape Cod Real Estate Review
2016 was a very interesting year for the Cape Cod region with historically low inventory of available homes leading the headlines. The 14% year over year decrease in actively marketed homes on the Cape and Islands MLS resulted in 2016 ending with the lowest recorded inventory level since that statistic had been tracked. This is … Continue reading 2016 Cape Cod Real Estate Review
Vacation Rental Market Growing Rapidly
On Cape Cod, the vacation rental market has been strong for decades, but continues to see an increase in inventory each year. This trend can be seen far beyond New England. Here’s an excerpt from one industry specialist from Parakeet home automation: “Everyone in the vacation rental world is aware that the industry is growing … Continue reading Vacation Rental Market Growing Rapidly
New Bridge in Chatham May Impact Real Estate Values
The second major culvert and bridge redesign on the Cape in the past few years looks to significantly improve the aptly named Muddy Creek on the Chatham town line. This will likely has some promising effects on real estate values, especially on the Chatham side. One of the most scenic drives on the Cape is … Continue reading New Bridge in Chatham May Impact Real Estate Values
Fido Fills Weeks
“No smoking, no pets” is a common mantra for many rental property owners. Not renting to the Marlboro Man probably won’t cost you many bookings, but you might want to rethink barring those four-legged family members categorically. Less than 10 per cent of Pretty Picky Properties accept pets and almost never have a problem booking … Continue reading Fido Fills Weeks
No new natural gas hook ups until 2019
There will be no new natural gas connections on the Lower Cape for quite a while. A recent inspection of National Grid’s main transmission line revealed some deficiencies requiring upgrades that will take up to five years to complete. Meanwhile, the company has to reduce the pressure in the line. And that means no new … Continue reading No new natural gas hook ups until 2019
New Tax on Vacation Rentals?
Currently, a short term vacation rental on the Cape is not subject to the hotel/motel tax. But it could be soon, if some Massachusetts lawmakers have their way. Check out the story at this link: Seems to us that this proposed tax raises some significant issues. For example, the argument for the tax maintains … Continue reading New Tax on Vacation Rentals?